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Vacuum Entity

Derive entity platforms from homeassistant.components.vacuum.StateVacuumEntity



Properties should always only return information from memory and not do I/O (like network requests). Implement update() or async_update() to fetch data.


VacuumEntity is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Please use or migrate to the StateVacuumEntity

battery_iconstringfunctionBattery icon to show in UI.
battery_levelintnoneCurrent battery level.
fan_speedstringnoneThe current fan speed.
fan_speed_listlistNotImplementedError()List of available fan speeds.
namestringRequiredName of the entity.
statestringRequiredOne of the states listed in the states section.


STATE_CLEANINGThe vacuum is currently cleaning.
STATE_DOCKEDThe vacuum is currently docked, it is assumed that docked can also mean charging.
STATE_IDLEThe vacuum is not paused, not docked and does not have any errors.
STATE_PAUSEDThe vacuum was cleaning but was paused without returning to the dock.
STATE_RETURNINGThe vacuum is done cleaning and is currently returning to the dock, but not yet docked.
STATE_ERRORThe vacuum encountered an error while cleaning.

Supported Features

Supported features are defined by using values in the VacuumEntityFeature enum and are combined using the bitwise or (|) operator. Note that all vacuum entity platforms derived from homeassistant.components.vacuum.StateVacuumEntity must set the VacuumEntityFeature.STATE flag.

BATTERYThe vacuum supports retrieving battery status.
CLEAN_SPOTThe vacuum supports spot cleaning.
FAN_SPEEDThe vacuum supports setting fan speed.
LOCATEThe vacuum supports locating.
MAPThe vacuum supports retrieving its map.
PAUSEThe vacuum supports the pause command.
RETURN_HOMEThe vacuum supports the return to the dock command.
SEND_COMMANDThe vacuum supports sending a command to the vacuum.
STARTThe vacuum supports the start command.
STATEThe vacuum supports returning its state.
STOPThe vacuum supports the stop command.


clean_spot or async_clean_spot

Perform a spot clean-up.

locate or async_locate

Locate the vacuum cleaner.

pause or async_pause

Pause the cleaning task.

return_to_base or async_return_to_base

Set the vacuum cleaner to return to the dock.

send_command or async_send_command

Send a command to a vacuum cleaner.

set_fan_speed or async_set_fan_speed

Set the fan speed.

start or async_start

Start or resume the cleaning task.

stop or async_stop

Stop the vacuum cleaner, do not return to base.